Religious Expression in Ohio Schools
Schools are required to adopt a policy that reasonably accommodates a student’s sincerely held religious beliefs and practices for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system. Students are given up to three religious expression days per school year provided that the parent or guardian provides written notice to the school of the selected days within 14 school days of the start of school (or within 14 days of a newly enrolled student’s first day in the school or district). This policy must allow students to participate in interscholastic athletics or other extracurricular activities on a religious expression day. Our schools will collaborate with the student and their family regarding the accommodations needed when there is a conflict between a religious expression day and a school assessment or academic requirement. No inclusion or exclusion of a religious holiday or festival on the list outlined below shall preclude a student from full and reasonable accommodations for any sincerely held religious beliefs and practices for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system. The three religious expression days do not count toward parental notification requirements under ORC 3321.191 (C)(1) for excessive absences.

For questions regarding student attendance, please contact Mr. Demster at 330-426-9401.