James Rook (Superintendent), Erika Kinkead, Beth McTrustry, Jen Andre, Don Carson, Brian Moore and Rick Ellis (Treasurer)
The East Palestine City Schools Board of Education is your elected representative body with the responsibility for providing a comprehensive program of quality education for the entire community. The Board of Education is a policy making body, deriving its power and responsibilities from statutes enacted by the Ohio General Assembly. It formulates policy with regards to employment, pupil personnel, education programs, finance, building programs, instructional materials, and public relations. It also employs the Superintendent, who in turn provides leadership to the administrative team, working within the limits of board policy and state statutes.
Residents are cordially invited to attend board meetings. The East Palestine Board of Education, in compliance with the "Sunshine Law", conducts all of its business at a public meeting and deals with only personnel matters or negotiations in Executive Session. The members of the Board of Education welcome public comments at their meetings and set aside time in the agenda for residents who wish to address the Board. No speaker may discuss personnel issues or any specific person in a public meeting.
Email Contact Information:
Erika Kinkead (President) – Erika.Kinkead@MyEPSchools.org
Don Carson (Vice-President) – Don.Carson@MyEPSchools.org
Jen Andre - Jen.Andre@MyEPSchools.org
Beth McTrustry - Beth.McTrustry@MyEPSchools.org
Brian Moore - Brian.Moore@MyEPSchools.org