Tonight's baseball game at Jefferson County Christian has been cancelled.
10 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Congratulations to Ayla Thompson, Haylei Kelly, and Alexis Jones for their National Technical Honor Society Induction! Way to go Bulldogs!
10 months ago, Allison Oltmann
students at CCCTC NTHS Induction
That's a wrap for our Chick-fil-A Leadership Program! Having the ability to promote a leadership and growth mindset in our students is an invaluable opportunity. Thank you to Billy James, restaurant operator in Boardman, for his sponsorship and support of our program. We can't wait to start-up again next year!
10 months ago, Allison Oltmann
chick-fil-a leadership
chick-fil-a leadership
chick-fil-a leadership
chick-fil-a leadership
chick-fil-a leadership
Congratulations to the lucky guessers on National Take a Wild Guess Day! ES Winner Aiden Paxson MS Winner Landon Davis HS Winner Kyleena Jeffries
10 months ago, Allison Oltmann
jelly bean guesser winner
jelly bean guesser winner
jelly bean guesser winner
We are proud to announce our EPHS 2024 Prom Court! Jalyn Shafer, Jasmine Ludt, Marah Zimmerman, and Claire Evans. Noah McKay, Dylan Bycroft, Hayden Scott and Josh Bland. Come and witness the crowning of our King and Queen at the EPHS Promenade on Saturday, April 27. Promenade will begin at 5 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Our theme this year is "Under the Sea"! You won't want to miss seeing our young ladies and gentlemen dressed in their prom best!
10 months ago, Allison Oltmann
prom court students
Due to driver illness the following changes need to be made for student transport Tuesday April 16, 2024: Bus 7&8 will have to combine routes tomorrow. Bus 12 will be covering bus 10's route CCCTC & Lisbon opportunity school students will be transported to Lisbon at 9am. These students can ride to EPHS on the HS bus, or may be dropped off prior to 9am Combining routes may make pickup and drop off times up to 45 mins late. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to transport our students.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
school bus image
When our students connect with something they are passionate about, we do a little celebratory dance in our heads! Here's just one example of a connection that Mr. Franklin has been able to nurture through our Building Trades Program. Congratulations Bulldogs! Check out additional recognition for our EP Students @TheBuildersOnline
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Building Trades Post
Camp Shirt Monday! To celebrate the wonderful camp memories over the years, from Camp Fitch and Camp Konokwee, let's all put on our camp shirts for the day! Wear your camp shirt to school tomorrow - we can't wait to see them!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
camp fitch students
camp fitch shirt
Monday is National Take a Wild Guess Day! A jar of jelly beans will be available in each school cafeteria for students to guess the number they contain, as long as they purchase a full lunch. A prize for each winning guess will be provided - let's see who can take a wild guess with the exact number or closest to without going over!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
jelly bean image
Recently, EPHS students were privileged to visit New Castle School of Trades in New Castle, PA for their career fair and Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics at their facility in Youngstown, OH
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
students at NCST and PIA
students at NCST and PIA
students at NCST and PIA
students at NCST and PIA
students at NCST and PIA
students at NCST and PIA
It was Wax Museum Day for our 2nd Graders. They all looked amazing and did an incredible job! Here's a little peek at a few.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
wax museum student
wax museum student
wax museum student
wax museum student
wax museum student
wax museum student
wax museum student
wax museum student
Who's ready to pick-up their Camp Fitch kiddos!? The buses are en route to EPMS and should arrive at the school at approximately 1:20 p.m. They will be anxious to see you there! And don't forget to check out our website for pictures from their adventure!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Congratulations to our EPHS students who were on the Honor or Merit Roll! Way to go Bulldogs!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
high school honor roll
high school merit roll
We love when our classes team-up to create extraordinary experiences with one another! Mrs. Cox's 3rd grade class wrote their very own narrative stories and had the chance to read and share them to our kindergarten classes.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
students sharing stories
students sharing stories
students sharing stories
students sharing stories
students sharing stories
students sharing stories
Congratulations to those EPMS students on the Honor or Merit Roll! Next up, tomorrow....EPHS!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
middle school honor roll
middle school merit roll
Check out the much anticipated Camp Fitch pictures -- everyone looks to be having a great time! Keep coming back to the website for updates!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
camp fitch sign
Today’s Tennis at Lordstown has been cancelled.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Congratulations to those EPES students who landed on the Honor or Merit Roll! Stay tuned for EPMS tomorrow....
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
elementary honor roll
elementary merit roll
Who's ready to roll up their sleeves and put in a little work to truly show our Bulldog Pride? Don't miss out on Dog Days 2024 hosted by the East Palestine City School District and the Village of East Palestine! Print the form, scan the QR code or visit to show your commitment today!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Dog Days Flyer
Hey EPHS - check out the date for Group Pictures!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
group photo image