Just a friendly reminder! One Act Plays -- tonight at 6 p.m.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
one acts flyer
Looking for something to do tonight? As a follow up to today’s POWERFUL assembly, Austin Lanier will be back to EPMS to perform a FREE concert for all EP students and their families TONIGHT! Join us at 7:00 pm in the middle school cafeteria!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Austin Lanier advertising
Today’s softball scrimmage at Columbiana has been cancelled due to weather conditions.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
Congratulations to the February EP Preschool and Head Start Students of the Month! Zoey Haines- Nominated by Mrs. St. Esprit, Maura Kinkead- Nominated by Ms. Goontz, Hannah Brown- Nominated by Mrs. Cuddy, McKayla Bianchi- Nominated by Mrs. Cope, Emma Weekley- Nominated by Ms. Lindsay, Hazel Bowyer- Nominated by Mrs. Dilisio, and Samia Williams- Nominated by Miss Koehler.
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
preschool student of the month
preschool student of the month
preschool student of the month
preschool student of the month
preschool student of the month
preschool student of the month
preschool student of the month
The EPHS drone teams competed tonight at CCCTC. They flew through four sets of challenging obstacles and came out on top! Congratulations to the drone teams at their first competition!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
students on drone team
Every week, our Bulldog S&S program has a different theme. Last week they were able to celebrate all things St. Patrick's Day. They participated in a scavenger hunt, made leprechaun traps, collected gold coins and got some exercise in. Best of all, these students all had tons of fun!!!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
bulldog s&s students
bulldog s&s students
bulldog s&s students
bulldog s&s students
bulldog s&s students
bulldog s&s students
bulldog s&s students
At EPHS, one of the exceptional hands-on courses available is Building Trades. Check out some of the amazing work our students have created!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
building trades examples
building trades examples
building trades examples
building trades examples
building trades examples
building trades examples
building trades examples
It was recently announced that two of our Bulldog Basketball Stars were chosen to participate in this year's YSN All-Star Basketball Game which will be held on March 24th at Boardman High School. Congratulations to Leila Martin and Owen Jurjavcic! Here's the schedule of events: 5:00 YSN Girl's All-Star Game 6:30 Girl's 3-Point Contest 6:50 Boy's 3-Point Contest 7:10 Girl's 3-2-1 Contest 7:30 Boy's Slam Dunk Contest 8:00 YSU Boy's All-Star Game
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
photo of basketball player
photo of basketball player
Are you ready for an evening of entertainment?
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
ephs drama club one act plays flyer
Let's cheer on our Spring Bulldog Athletes and wish them success this season!
11 months ago, Allison Oltmann
spring meet the team
On Tuesday evening, Mr. Pancake along with EPHS students, Morgan Schwartz, Nia Barr, Aaron McGrath and Owen Trebus, attended Ohio's Sixth District Congressional Debate. During the debate, they were recognized and had the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates. What a great experience for our Bulldogs!
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
students at congressional debate
students at congressional debate
students at congressional debate
Happy International Pi Day! Did you know that the record for the most digits for pi memorized is 70,000 decimal places? This was achieved by Rajveer Meena of Vellore, India on March 21, 2015 over the course of 10 hours, according to Guinness World Records. How many digits can you recite?
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
pi day image
Communication is the key to keeping your student's attendance status positive!
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
unexcused absence information
Reminder to all EPHS Juniors: A.C.T. will take place tomorrow (3/13) at EPHS. Please arrive by 8 a.m. as the test will begin after announcements. Testing locations have been emailed. Please make sure your Chromebook is charged. If you have any questions, please discuss with Mr. DelBoccio. There will be a make-up test on Thursday, March 21st at 8 a.m.
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
act image
So your student's a few minutes late....those minutes can add up quickly! Check out what being tardy to school can look like over time.
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
tardy chart
Have you ever thought about what time away from school can do to your student? Check it out, we know you'll be amazed!
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
absenteeism chart
ATTENTION SENIORS! Who is the best athlete, the biggest hall roamer, or most likely to succeed? Vote for your classmates on the Google Form by March 22nd to see the results in the yearbook! Click the link or scan the QR code to access the form. https://forms.gle/H7PihCWGGEFADgwi8
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
qr code for yearbook voting
Congratulations to our 8th grade Power of the Pen Regional contestants Kara Lewis and Kristina Huffman. They will both be advancing to the State Tournament at Ashland University in May!
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
power of the pen students
Hey EPHS, next week will be Battle of the Classes time again!
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
lucky leprechaun hunt flyer for ephs
It is said to be the "Most Magical Place on Earth." We can't wait to hear what our EPHS Band has to say about their experiences at Disney World this week!
12 months ago, Allison Oltmann
band marching at disney world
band marching at disney world
disney world
band at disney world
band at disney world
band at disney world
band at disney world
band at disney world