Ohio has adopted an "All Mail-in" primary for voters. For information on Absentee Voting click here: https://5il.co/e9a0 To download a copy of the Absentee Ballot Application, click here: https://5il.co/e9ab
Latest information on COVID-19 and our schools can be found here. For the latest update from Mr. Neifer click here: https://5il.co/e99z For and updated district schedule click here: https://5il.co/e99y
During the time away from school, Mr. Eggleston our School District Career Counselor is available to meet with students, especially graduating seniors, remotely via webcam for anything career related. Priority will be given to seniors, however, all students requesting assistance or more information on career exploration, resumes, interview skills, etc, should contact Mr. Eggleston at r.eggleston@mvrcog.org.
Students and Parents,
As we all navigate these unique and challenging times, East Palestine High School remains committed to serving our students through electronic means and distance learning. East Palestine High School is also attempting to balance the immediate and long-term needs of our students during this difficult time. One of the more important long-term needs impacting students is class scheduling for the 2020-21 school year. Prior to the governor’s school closure mandate, high school students were set to go through the class scheduling process this week. In order to keep this process on track to begin next school year, the high school will now begin this process electronically or in hard copy format rather than waiting for school to resume. Much like the interim assignments students are currently working on, hard copies of these course scheduling documents will be made available for students at the community distribution sites and within the high school office.
Please keep in mind, enrollment for classes is not determined on a “first come, first serve” basis but rather by weighing the graduation needs of each student. It is rare that a class is filled and/or closed for students. It is more likely that some classes simply do not fit within the individual student’s schedule due to other class needs or wants. Therefore, please be thorough and intentional as you select your classes. If you should have any questions about this process, please contact Mr. Rook (james.rook@myepschools.org), Mr. Cyrus (rich.cyrus@myepschools.org), or Mrs. Sherry (Elizabeth.sherry@myepschools.org). We are here to support you during this process.
Current students in Grades 8-11 should follow the steps found below to begin selecting their classes for 2020-21. Link to get started: https://www.myepschools.org/o/ephs/page/course-registration-ephs
Step 1: Read and then review the complete East Palestine High School Course Registration Guide (2020-21). This guide includes a description of all the courses available to high school students and outlines course and graduation requirements, academic distinctions and honors, and other important information.
Step 2: On the Course Registration Guide Worksheet (2020-21), complete the information at the top, which includes your name, grade, etc. Then, select those courses in which you would like to enroll for next school year by following the directions in the header for each subject. This can be done by clicking the box next to a course or by placing a check mark within the box if you are completing the worksheet in hard copy format.
Step 3: Double check your work. On the Course Registration Guide Worksheet (2020-21), students should have selected a minimum of 5 course credits. Credit information for each course can be found next to the course name. Students participating in the College Credit Plus program or attending the career center will have less than 5 course credits. Add up your total course credits and place this total on the top of your Course Registration Guide Worksheet (2020-21) in the space provided.
Step 4: Students should review their class selections with their parents and have them sign or type their name on the top of the Course Registration Guide Worksheet (2020-21).
Step 5: Save and then email your completed Course Registration Guide Worksheet (2020-21) to Mr. Rook or drop off your completed worksheet in hard copy format at one of the community distribution sites or the high school office.
Course Registration Guide Worksheets (2020-21) are due by Monday, April 27. Completed forms can be submitted electronically to Mr. Rook or if using hard copy format, to one of the community distributions sites or the high school office. You are encouraged to submit the course registration guide worksheet prior to this due date if possible.
Thank you for your flexibility and cooperation during this process.
Mr. Rook
Principal, East Palestine High School
What is your word?
Information on the updated plan for distributing meals to students can be found here: https://5il.co/e00m
Updated school closure information from Mr. Neifer can be found here: https://5il.co/e00n
Updated school closure information from Mr. Neifer can be found here: https://5il.co/e004
Please stay tuned for updates...
A sample daily routine...
Better Together - Ready for Tomorrow - The Power of Pawsitivity
Updated Meal Plan Distribution Information can be found here: https://5il.co/dtnc
Updated Plans to Support EP Students can be found here: https://5il.co/dte8
What is your word?
Looking for your class assignments? Simply go to your school’s website and click on the Interim Assignments button. As assignments are created and submitted by your teachers, this link will be updated.
Closure Meal Distribution Plan Announced. Details can be found here: https://5il.co/dq8y
The Grade 6 campers will be returning at approximately 1:15 pm to the middle school. They are on their way home.
A Letter to Parents from Mr. Neifer concerning COVID-19 can be found here: https://5il.co/dni4
From the Principal's Desk (March 13-April 3)
State Mandated School Closure Information from Mr. Neifer can be found here: https://5il.co/dn9g