Updated school closure information from Mr. Neifer can be found here: https://5il.co/e00n
Updated school closure information from Mr. Neifer can be found here: https://5il.co/e004
Please stay tuned for updates...
Attention Juniors! The ACT (make-up) administration originally scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, has been cancelled. Once ACT schedules a new date, it will be announced to students and their families.
A sample daily routine...
Better Together - Ready for Tomorrow - The Power of Pawsitivity
Updated Meal Plan Distribution Information can be found here: https://5il.co/dtnc
Updated Plans to Support EP Students can be found here: https://5il.co/dte8
What is your word?
Looking for your class assignments? Simply go to your school’s website and click on the Interim Assignments button. As assignments are created and submitted by your teachers, this link will be updated.
Closure Meal Distribution Plan Announced. Details can be found here: https://5il.co/dq8y
A Letter to Parents from Mr. Neifer concerning COVID-19 can be found here: https://5il.co/dni4
From the Principal's Desk (March 13-April 3)
State Mandated School Closure Information from Mr. Neifer can be found here: https://5il.co/dn9g
An All Call will be made this evening prior to 6:00 pm to outline the plan for our school district over the next three weeks in response to Governor DeWine’s school closure mandate. Please stay tuned as East Palestine Schools will have you covered and keep you connected.
EPTV (Week 24)
Today, Biology students created “Reebops” which are lab made organisms generated by selecting random traits and then building them to specification. This was a great way to demonstrate practical genetics in the biology lab.
The due date for Senior Baby Ads has been extended to Friday, March 20th. Baby Ad information has been distributed to students during 1st period and via your school email address. Ad money can be dropped off in the high school office or in room 302 in the middle school. Please contact Ms. Jornigan with any questions.
A final reminder for graduating seniors, local scholarships are now available in the high school guidance office. Please see Mr. Cyrus for these scholarship opportunities. The deadline for submission is April 1.
Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, March 10, all students in Grade 11 will be administered the ACT. Students will be called to room 115HS beginning at 8:15 am. The test is set to last until approximately 12:30 pm. Following the test administration, students will report to the high school cafeteria for lunch. CCCTC students in Grade 11 will also attend. The CCCTC has already been notified of this excused absence.