Thank you to Junior Achievement of the Mahoning Valley!
about 5 years ago, Mr. Rook
iEscapamos! We escaped!
Spanish 1 students used their language skills to solve clues to find the combinations for locked boxes in the classroom. Once they solved all three, they unlocked the secret treasure!
about 5 years ago, Mr. Rook
Wake Up It's Game Day!
about 5 years ago, Mr. Rook
Our first Rotary Interact meeting will take place on Tuesday Sept. 10 in Mrs. Spanos' room. Choose the time that works best for you: 7:30am meeting or 2:35pm meeting. Great place to learn how to become a leader, serve your community, get service hours and meet new people!
about 5 years ago, Mr. Rook
Student's First Day - Monday, August 26th Welcome Back!
over 5 years ago, WebAdmin
Staff In-Service - August 21st and 22nd
over 5 years ago, WebAdmin